what is the status of my order?

Once you have placed your order, we will send you a confirmation email to track the status of your order. Once your order is shipped we will certainly send you one more email to verify you the expected distribution day in addition to the link to track your order (when the distribution method allows it). Furthermore, you can track the status of your order from your "order history" section on your account page on the web site.

Can I change my order?

We can only change orders that have actually not been refined for shipping yet. When your order is under the status "getting ready for shipping", "delivery" or "delivered", after that we can decline any kind of edits to your order. To make changes to your order, please reach out to support with the helpdesk.

How long does it take to ship my order?

When you've placed your order, it generally takes 24 to 2 days to process it for distribution. Basic delivery time for the nations covered by our distribution partners are presented below. You can locate them when selecting for a distribution method prior to verifying your order: - United-States: 1-2 days - Canada: 1-1 days - Australia: 2-3 days - France: 2-3 days - UK: 2-3 days - Germany: 2-3 days.